Life, Love and the Law.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Hello again

I have definitely neglected this blog, but I have a million great excuses why!

Summer is coming to an end, and I am ever so grateful to welcome fall this year. My husband and I move into our new place in a few days and with that brings lots of change. Oct 4th will begin my journey into my long awaited legal career. I will be a deputy district attorney.....Fighting crime with my heels on (that's going to be the slogan I say in my head). I have mixed emotions about finally doing what I went to school for. Like for instance.. will I be any good? Will the jury like me? Do I still know evidence? and did I say will the jury like me???

I guess I still have a good week to build my confidence. Hopefully I can catch a Law & Order marathon this week!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Got It!!!

I got a job!!! Wooo hooooooooo, and to top things off it actually is the job I wanted. This summer will definitely be one that I will remember because it was mostly comprised of interviews, and interviews and did I mention interviews????

Well it actually all paid off, so I am very happy.

Now... It's Apartment hunting time, and brushing up on my opening, closing, cross ohhhh yeah direct examination skills. I need to get on it!

Friday, August 13, 2010

It's August Already

I can't believe it's August already. This summer has been pretty fun, but I'm actually looking forward to the fall. Hopefully that will mean new job, new place, and new clothes! I am loving all of the new chunky sweaters and riding boots that are coming out.

I am actually recovering from having all four of my wisdom teeth pulled this week. The lack of food coupled with the vicodin have made me pretty much home bound. However, I have another set of interviews next week so I need to get back into the swing of things!

Everyone enjoy the rest of your summer! Hopefully I have good updates soon!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Still on the hunt

I'm still on the job hunt, and it actually isn't going so bad. I say it's not that bad because I am actually getting call backs and interviews. At first it seemed like my resume was just thrown into a black hole, but now that I am receiving a response it feels good! The good part about the job hunt is that I'm not limiting myself to one particular city. Pretty much anywhere in the state of California is free game. Here is the line up of the interviews for the next couple of weeks. Ventura, San Francisco and Bakersfield. Each city is extremely different, but the job is all the same.

Wish me luck!

Friday, July 16, 2010


After sending out countless resumes I finally got a call back for an interview. As excited as I am that someone finally liked what they saw on my resume, I am equally terrified for the questions that I am going to face. I have been busy researching all the latest cases that have hit the scene and am trying to cover my grounds.

For the next week I am going to have to get my interview attire together.. Meaning I am going to have to decide on the right suit, right heels, right bag, right earrings....basically the right everything!

I also have to think of questions to ask during the interview. I always get the "Is there any other questions you might have for us" at the end of the interview. I always feel stupid when I say "No, I think that's it."

If anyone knows any interview ending questions I should ask please leave a comment!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Ca Bar Exam 2010

Wow I just realized that the next Ca bar exam is just around the corner. I believe in my last few weeks of the home stretch I was trying not to freak out (which is hard), and trying to come to terms that it is impossible to learn everything. So, If you are reading this and your studying for the bar please try to stay calm. Keep studying, and keep taking breaks when you need them. The good thing about the bar is that it's the same hard ass test for everyone who sits for it. Everyone has to answer the same questions. If you come across a question that you don' know (and this will happen) don't freak out. Remind yourself that everyone else in the room doesn't know it either.
The best thing you can do when you are face with a "what in the hell type of question is this" is to STOP....Breathe..... and make something up. Stick with the directions and just answer what they ask. Nothing more, nothing less.

Keep trucking, keep studying, keep praying.

You will pass!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Girls Rule

On the last post I told you guys about the beer drinking contest! Well the results are in, the judgment is final and the GIRLS WON!!

Quick recap: The night started with a trip to Sky Tacos off of Pico. After enjoying the best shrimp tacos in the world we decided to start the contest immediately. The fact that stomachs were already full we knew it wouldn't be to long before someone wouldn't be able to manage to share anymore room with heavy beer.

Donte downed the first beer, and Jessica followed shortly. Brandon and I finished our first beer around the same time, and then everyone started number 2. Halfway through the second beer we heard a rumble. And that was it!!! Brandon made a quick dash to the restroom and said so long to sky tacos and a beer and a half.

Of course the guys screamed re-match but we shall see. Right now the girls just want to enjoy their victory!!!!!!!

Girls Rule!!